Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Areas of Discussion

1)is there legal internet privacy?
- all the sources have concluded that no there is not really internet privacy. It is just the fourth amendment from the constitution that has hints about privacy when saying unlawful seizure of information.
2) Is privacy actually a problem that people actually worry about?
- yes, in-fact many surveys done say that over 60% of the people surfing the internet worry about their privacy and what information about them is going out and being taken without their knowledge.
3) does it matter whether these people have internet privacy or not when using the internet? and would it stop them from using the internet?
- of course it does matter people have important information on their computers whether it is credit cards, bills, or even family things that are not meant to be shared.
- the second point is would they stop using the internet if there is not really a law protecting their privacy while surfing the internet. Based on the PRIVACY RIGHTS ON THE INTERNET: SELF-REGULATION OR GOVERNMENT REGULATION article people would not stop using the internet but instead will be just a little bit more careful and try to be more educated about surfing the internet

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