Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Internet Communication Privacy Rights A.B

Bick , Jonathan. "INTERNET COMMUNICATION PRIVACY RIGHTS." 16 Mar. 2009. Web. 13 Apr. 2011. SUMMARY In this journal jonathan bick shows and tells us exactly what happens on the internet. he first starts by telling is we have rights of privacy on the internet or not. As clearly seen, yes we do. it's not that the word pricave is written in the constitution but the fourth amendment does say that we are protected against unlawfull intrusions in or any intrusions without a reasonable cause. Therefor yes he believes strongly in internet privacy and that we sshould be protected at all times. Bick wrote this journal article to make people aware of their privacy rights on the internet and on the web. He demonstrates many examples from the contitution that dont exactly have the word privacy in them but rather protection against unlawfull intrusions. The writer in this journal article is clearly trying to get across one clear message, and that is all of should be protected while surfing the web and while using the internet. As writen we all should speak against any violation of our rights on the internet. - This source answers many of my research questions. The first is, if we have any rights while on the internet. The answer is clear as day and yes we do as stated in the constitution. Another question answered is what our role is on the internet? The answer is that we are considered a thirs party. Which means we help move information around the web by having sites and similar things. Quotations: 1) Quotes: "Just as there is no explicit constitutional right to privacy, there is no general privacy statute which requires electronic records held by third parties to keep such records private. Rather, the protection of such electronic records may be found due to a particular set of facts. Two approaches to Fourth Amendment privacy protection are generally used. One approach equated unlawful requests for information with unlawful search and seizure".

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