Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Internet Privacy Law A.B

1) Author: Timothy J. Walton 2) Title: Internet Privacy Law 3) Publication Date: August 20, 1999 4) Format: web 5) Date Accessed: April 10th, 2011 Timothy starts this with an introduction paragraph explaing the reasons to why some people sometimes want internet privacy. He states that some internet criminals use this so called "Privacy" to their advantage. he then asks a question to why we or some people want to have privacy? some people that are annonymoouse on the internet harass others and abuse them all due to being annonymouse while surfing. He then states that there are not written down laws or any constitutions about internet privacy but instead laws made the governement in charge. So look around and do research because each state and each country may have a different law or rule concerning internet privacy. Quotes: 1) "Nowhere does the text of the United States Constitution contain the word "privacy." The Supreme Court has found the concept of "privacy" to be protected by a number of the Amendments.Thus, privacy is known as a "penumbra right." It is the essence of the Bill of Rights and thus a guaranteed right"

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