Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Moral Univeresalism Pros & Cons

Moral Universalism is kind of the same but also different than absolutism. This philosophy agrees with the ideas of James Rachels. In this philosophy things have to be looked at from the point of the culture itself. Meaning that only people from America can judge Americans and their actions. You can not really have a Middle Eastern person judge an Asian culture based person. This is because people are taught to think if something is right or wrong based on what they have experienced their whole life. This means that the law can and will protect wrong actions in a culture even though if this action is wrong to other cultures.

This philosophy can be wrong in one way really. This means that if an American person went to a middle eastern country they can have a hard time. This is because they would do what they know is normally right but in the middle east it is wrong. For example here in the united states it is okay for a man to hug a woman as a way for greeting. If this was done in the middle east this could cost a person their life depending on how strict the person is.

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