Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Circles of Evidence

Internet Privacy has been a great argued issue by internet users. Internet privacy is the most important problem people discuss when talking about the internet. So the big question do we really have internet privacy? Well, no not really and all of my sources concluded so. There is not really a law that specifically talks about privacy or even a law made for privacy but there is however one possible point made by the constitution. in the fourth amendment it states that " unlawful requests for information with unlawful search and seizure. The other approach required physical trespass into a zone of privacy". in here there is not really privacy but instead unlawful seizure of information. The word privacy is not used but is hinted out. Three of my four sources states that to have privacy on the internet a person must first be educated on how to use and navigate the internet safely. For instance using the new Internet Explorer 6 browser which in the default settings of the browser it does not accept third party cookies which is one of the ways our privacy and unlawful seizure of information is taken. knowing which websites to enter and which websites not to enter for your safety is a great way to protect your privacy. Also e-mails are a great way that people might be tricked into giving out personnel information like social security number, credit card numbers, and personal information. The best way to keep your privacy as seen in these sources is to not open any e-mail you don't know. If you did not expect an e-mail from your bank for instance know that it is a scam. Unless you were expecting an e-mail from that person or place do not open it, as some of them may inject trojans and cookies on to your computer. The main claim that i have reached from all these four sources is that we do have privacy but we are the ones that control it and control how much of our information is given out.

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