Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Internet Privacy and State

SECION1: Schwartz, Paul M. "Internet Privacy and the State." HEINONLINE. 1999-2000. Web. 13 Apr. 2011. SECTION2: In this article the writer speaks about privacy on the internet and whether it is something that is there or not. he first starts speaking about the market privacy and the normal privacy. He explains that there is a great difference between market privacy and what should be called the normal privacy. Some information that if let out to the market would not harm or hurt the person and secondly is the normal privacy which is privacy that all people acquire. This is information about your personal life, bills, credit card numbers etc.. This article relates to my paper in a great way. First it is speaking about the different kind of privacy's a person has while surfing the internet. Secondly it is speaking about how to protect it and who else can help you protect your privacy . A great privacy protector is the state you are living in . Each state has its own rule on the internet. Some states are more stricter than the others. QUOTES: " I seek to characterize information privacy as a constitutive value that helps both to form the society in which we live in and to shape our individual identities"

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