Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Moral Absolutism Pros & Cons

Many people probably have not heard about moral absolutism. This is the principle where “… absolute standards against which moral questions can be judged—suggest that morals are not determined by societal or situational influences. According to moral absolutism, morals are inherent in the laws of the universe, the nature of humanity, or some other fundamental source”. There are many good ideas in this philosophy, starting with the well being of a person/human being. Most of the time this would help out and be on the side of the law. The law is always thought to be fair and on the side of humans. With the philosophy of Absolutism the law would always be protective and on the well being of individuals.

There is however a bad side to this philosophy and that is who decides what’s good for the individual? Some people that live in deserted areas don’t know about laws from other places. Which means that what they think is right can be wrong in so many ways. Some ideas like killing the daughter if she got raped might be thought of to be the best for a girl, but that is to the culture that the family lives in.

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